Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's Not the Heat, It's the Stupidity

Here we are again! It's summer and the water is warm and the shorts are short (too short on a few people I've unfortunately already seen too much of this year). I went to an end of the year picnic yesterday for my two preschoolers and, as usual, did a bit of, hopefully unnoticed, people watching. I was left wondering how many people have not been exposed to any information regarding safety for skin in the sun. Darkly tanned skin with loads of freckles and a burned reddish splotch here or there seemed common. I kept thinking of my best friend who survived skin cancer last year. I wanted to run amok with the sunscreen and spray it liberally. Or, at the very least, pull up a park bench as a platform and give a speech on the dangers of too much sun. The theme of my speech would be, "It's summer and it's not the humidity that's going to get you, it's the stupidity if you don't wear sunscreen". I wonder if I can have that printed on t-shirts for my whole family to wear? Hmmm....

1 comment:

Author Elle Febbo said...

I'll have a t-shirt CREATED for you...sit tight.
I love you.

Your Best Friend,