Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So I've Got This Idea...

I could barely sleep last night because I kept waking up from dreaming about my book idea. I'm excited and also worried and a bit intimidated. Even if this book is written just for me: it's worth the journey. I love these characters. I KNOW these characters. I will start writing today on the computer in the study. I feel a bit like Chevy Chase in Funny Farm going on and on about his poker buddies book. LOL I definitely hope that my outcome is better than his!


snowflake said...

Angela!!! OMG, I've missed you!!! Where have you been? You were one of my favorite friends on the cafe and then, I think we both got Cafe angst at the same time.... Listen, mind if I blog roll you? Can't wait to hear more about your book, I'm working on one too about the angst of a military wife. Go figure. :)

Coffee First said...

Snowflake- Yes, blogroll me (now that I just figured out what that means) and I'll add you too! This is so much more fun than CM for some reason. I feel freer (is that a word).